Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I expect this motion to be denied, it's normal to try to have a
confession thrown out, but in this case David typed up his own
confession for the police and it was not coerced from what I have seen.

Lawyers for an ex-Air Force academy cadet are hoping to get his murder
confession thrown out on grounds it was acquired through illegal threats
and promises. 

Motions filed by lawyers for David Graham say police told him he would
face the death penalty if he did not own up to the 1995 slaying of 
Adrianne Jones and probation if he confessed. 

Attorneys for Graham have filed more than a dozen motions in the
past week. The motions say officers discouraged Graham's request for an 
attorney, saying, ``If you get a lawyer involved, all bets are off and 
we'll seek the death penalty.'' 

Graham and Zamora, both 20, were accused of killing the 16-year-old
Jones in December 1995 after Graham admitted a one-time sexual encounter 
with Jones. 

At her trial, Zamora told the court it was Graham's idea to murder
Jones to prove the purity of his devotion to Zamora. 

Zamora received a life sentence for capital murder.  

Graham is suspected of killing Jones with two gunshots to the face
after Zamora clubbed her over the head with a metal bar. 

In his Sept. 1996 confession, Graham wrote: ``When this precious  
relationship we had was damaged by my thoughtless actions, the only 
thing that could satisfy her womanly vengeance was the life of the one 
that had, for an instance (sic), taken her place.'' 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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