Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Oh, oh, Bill

I think it was Washington U., they were gossiping about.  I think it was
talked so much because Washington faculty and administration were well known
to be truly independent.  They are suppose to have dropped sociology as a
separate department and combined it with something else.  No longer the
topic of gossip though in academia.  When I was in St Louis went on a
haunted house tour--very interesting--you got a chance to see the city in a
different way.  Went to that resturant that is in that once millionaire's
home.  The one that had a tunnel to the brewery he opened from his house.


William J. Foristal wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> Hi Jackie,
> There are several universities in St. Louis.  University of Missouri has
> a campus there.  Washington University (my alma mater) where John
> Danforth, one of the Ralston Purina heirs is chancellor.  Webster
> University, Fontbonne, and a few others I can't remember right now.
> And there are a lot of companies like Anheuser Busch and Ralston Purina
> that have their roots based in St. Louis.
> Bill
> On Sat, 14 Mar 1998 02:41:32 -0600 Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> >Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> >Hi Bill
> >
> >Is the U of St Louis the only college there??  I can't remember.  It
> >is the
> >college that had Laud Humphreys as a faculty member.  The gossip is
> >that the
> >faculty could not get along at all--differences in sociological
> >perspective,
> >etc.  Part of the reason was that Humphreys was thought to have
> >conducted
> >unethical research for his dissertation.  The administration said they
> >were
> >making a combined department--can't remember the title they gave it,
> >maybe
> >behavioral sciences or something like that--because of money
> >considerations.  But, of course, other reasons were thought by many.
> >Oh the
> >trivia you pick up sometimes in gossip.
> >
> >I really don't know much about Monsanto, so can't comment on what they
> >do.
> >But, St. Louis does have quite a bit of old wealth there don't
> >they--Budweiser, etc.  Went on a tour of haunted houses in St. Louis
> >once
> >when I was at my first conference.  Very interesting city in more ways
> >than
> >one.
> >
> >jackief
> >
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