[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Bill,

I believe I stated that racial relations had improved.  I didn't claim
they had been eliminated.  Now I'm saying that there may never be total
acceptance between women and men and between racial groups until a change
of heart on either side comes about. 

Well, that does seem to be an about face; yet, I believe that both
statements, while seemingly contradictory, are true!  And this is how I
see it.  Americans are more accepting of more women in positions of
leadership and of various ethnic groups on the job, in social settings
and intra-marriage - possibly because they have become more accustomed to
it through government Civil Rights enforcement, along with more exposure
to closer personal contact which undermines the stereotyping of sexes and
races , along with misperceptions concerning their characteristics.

But that does not mean that whites have internalized the idea of equal
status of women with men or of equal status of ethnic groups with whites.
A genuine change of heart has to bring that about and the more
differences there are between women and men and between whites and other
ethnic groups in appearance, attitude and customs the harder it is
to bring about a genuine change of heart. 

In part, this estrangement may be biologically determined.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

<<<Wait a minute!!!  Several months ago you were touting the
accomplishment in this country that racism and racial discrimination had
been eliminated from our society. Now you're saying that no progress has
been made and it is useless to try to make any social changes or solve
social problems.>>>>. . .

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