Hi Jackie,

Donald Dutton is a Canadian psychologist.

>From an old press clipping:

The Families v. O.J. Simpson

Judge Mulls Domestic Violence Profiling
SANTA MONICA, Nov. 7 (Evening) -- Outside the presence of the jury, the
plaintiffs Thursday afternoon in the O.J. Simpson civil trial argued that
they should be allowed to put on witnesses to offer expert testimony on the
profile of a person that would commit a domestic homicide.

Earlier in the afternoon Dr. Park Dietz, a forensic psychiatrist, and Donald
Dutton, a psychologist and expert on spousal homicide took the stand to tell
the judge what they would say in their testimony. 

Dutton, a research psychologist who specializes in spousal violence,
testified that he would tell the jury about the factors that can lead to
spousal homicide. Those characteristics include: previous violence in the
household; jealousy; estrangement; stalking; and threats.

>Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Yvonne
>Where do I get this enlightening article.  But, the first and foremost
>authority on what clinical analysis--domestic abuse, homosexuality, or ???
I >have never heard of this man and would like to compare him to the
references >that I have.

You may have trouble with the spelling.  I could find no popular works
offered by Amazon books but here are a couple of aging references:


"An average of 100 women a year are murdered by their male partners
according to Statistics Canada. Donald Dutton, Canadian author and
researcher, estimates that repeated, severe violence occurs in one in 14


                           Simcoe County Mental Health Education
                      1997 Forensic Conference Report

            [Forensic Conference Home] [SCMHE Home Page][Image]

(This article was originally published in Entre Nous Autumn 1997)

              High ratings for this year's forensic conference

 [Image]  By Marnie Rice
          Director of Research

Friday's sessions on treatment tissues were extremely well-received. Donald
Dutton discussed the profiles of men who abuse their female partners and
the treatment implications.

Suggestions for speakers or topics would be welcomed: Please call Marnie
Rice at (705)549-3181 ext. 2614 

[Dutton appeared on television a number of times and has gathered statistics
on deaths resulting from domestic violence.  I have no idea of his
qualifications but people have rushed to damn someone they know nothing about.]

>Yvonne wrote:
>> "Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Read Donald Dutten's studies on spousal abuse.   He is the foremost
>> authority on clinical analyis.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Friday, May 01, 1998 11:15 PM
>> Subject: Re: L&I Did Simpson have help in cover-up?
>> >Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >
>> >
>> >This is the most ludicrous thing I have read in a long time. I suggest
>> >you both learn a bit more about homosexuality and domestic violence
>> >before trying to theorize on something you have clearly shown you know
>> >nothing about.
>> >
>> >The easiest thing to do is to base knowledge on myths instead of facts.
>> >It's comments like this that just turn my stomach and clearly show me
>> >that the advancement of knowledge has a long way to go in human behavior
>> >no matter what people claim.
>> >
>> >Viola Provenzano wrote:
>> >>
>> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
>> >>
>> >> Hi Yvonne,
>> >>
>> >> I've wondered about OJ's sexuality myself.  Certainly his womanizing
>> >> could be  classified as "\Don Juanism" which is a case of the male
>> >> fending off his desire for men by bedding a never ending series of women,
>> >> preferably in one-night standsto show his contempt for the opposite sex.
>> >> His treatment of Nicole would certainly fit into this pattern.
>> >>
>> >> Vi
>> >>
>> >> "What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
>> >> __________________________________________
>> >> You wrote:
>> >>
>> >> <<<I've always suspected Simpson of harboring homosexual tendencies.>>>.
>> >> . .
>> >--
>> >Kathy E
>> >"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
>> >isn't looking too good for you either"
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"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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