>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> Anybody with delayed broadcast might be interested in the demolition of
>> Burton by Tim Russert over the Hubbel tapes.
>> Best,     Terry
>Mornin' Terry,
>   I watched that this morning. It proved to me that Burton is the
"scumbag" >and should be tossed from his chairmanship and perhaps from the
the Senate >itself.

A small correction, Mac.  Burton is a representative.  Al D'Amato (God help
us) is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  That clown did a
reasonably responsible job (so help me) as did Fred Thompson on campaign
finance scandals. People fell asleep and everything was abandoned for lack
of interest.  I notice even C-SPAN was attracted back by the sexy stuff
coming out of Burton's committee.  Burton is well-known as a kook.
Republicans really know how to pick 'em. 

>...How can anyone expect to be treated justly and fairly under the law when
>some of our most powerful lawmakers are shreading the law and missleading
the >people in their own personel attack on the highest office in the land.
Anything >that Clinton may or may not have done doesn't come close to the
misdeeds of >Burton and Gingrich.

My crook is better than your crooks?  What kind of philosophy is that?

Sorry, Mac, Clinton is vastly more powerful than the sleazy Gingrich and
kooky Burton, independent of the plain fact the most serious charges against
Gingrich and Burton hardly measure up to those against Clinton.  We may have
helped the Chinese improve their ability to deliver nuclear weapons with
ICBM's in exchange for campaign donations.  The Chinese are said to be
helping out the ayatollahs in Iran in turn with their budding nuclear
warfare program.  It is reported Kazakhstan sold Iran four nuclear bombs.
Think anything Gingrich and Burton can do will top that?
Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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