>DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>In a message dated 98-05-03 16:17:47 EDT, you write:
><< As far as
> my own experience, my circle of friends includes both homosexuals, lesbians
> heterosexuals and I haven't noticed any differences based on their sexual
> orientation.  To me, homophobia produces so many of these myths that I wonder
> some would explain any problem if they didn't have a scapegoat--others with a
> different sexual orientation than their own.
> jackief >>
>That's an easy one.  They'd use a race other than their own, a language other
>than their own, or in desperation  a gender other than their own.

Uh huh.  Try this one, people:


Is Homophobia Associated With Homosexual Arousal?

                by Henry E. Adams, Ph.D., Lester W. Wright, Jr., Ph.D. and
Bethany A. Lohr

               New Study Links Homophobia with Homosexual arousal

               Questions Whether It Is Latent Homosexuality Or A Response to

Psychoanalytic theory holds that homophobia --the fear, anxiety, anger,
discomfort and aversion that some ostensibly heterosexual people hold for
gay individuals -- is the result of repressed homosexual urges that the
person is either unaware of or denies. A study appearing in the August issue
of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, published by the American
Psychological Association (APA), provides new empirical evidence that is
consistent with that theory.


So let's see:  homophobes hate homosexuals because they are them.  Obviously
we have the example of J. Edgar Hoover, who is still awful hard to picture
in a party dress.  (Latent homosexuals BTW to the best of my understanding
are not unacknowledged homosexuals but repressed homosexuals which is vastly

I have known many male homosexuals too, Jackie, though no admitted lesbians.
If you compare Rock Hudson to Truman Capote most were no more obviously
homosexual than Rock Hudson but some quite obviously were in Capote's mold.
Surely no one would deny that that there are many such people.  One I met
was a hermaphrodite (no, I never checked - I was willing to take it on
faith) which should explode the nonsense that genetics is not involved.
Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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