Seems to me the doctors on this list might have something to say.

The purported cancer cure ain't.  Not yet anyway.  Testing can last for
decades. "Cures" that can cause shrinkage of tumors and even in some cases
disappearance for a time are a dime a dozen.  The Wall Street Journal seemed
to have a cancer cure a month when I read it daily.

There are huge advances in treating cancer.  I started going with my wife
when was working in a hospital (as a file clerk) which was a leader in the
research on leukemia - which was then a death sentence.

But I can only imagine how the doctors are being swamped with demands for
the new miraculous cure.  It is very sad IMO.  I remember the waiting rooms
of the hospital in Portland where hopeful people would wait all day and be
sent home at quitting time to perhaps try the next day.  Their chances were
not much better than making a trip to a faith healer at the time.
Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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