[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Spousal abuse, indeed abuse of any kind, is certainly an important issue
in this country.  While we "amateurs" may find fun in trying to solve a
puzzle that we are incapable of solving I think it's best left up to the
people who have the credentials and the education in the particular
fields to try to develop hypotheses that can be tested that may lead to
diagnoses, explanations and, ideally, treatments to decrease and
eliminate this horrible problem.  From what I've read about this it seems
clear we are still a long way from the answers since many "renowned
experts" in the field disagree strongly on the major points of cause and

Sure, it's a lot of fun to theorize about Simpson's latent homosexuality
as a possible cause of his abuse of Nicole.  It's fun to theorize about
the existence of angels, visitors from another planet, ghosts and a lot
of other things.  Just because it's fun does not lend any credibility to
the theories.  At the risk of being politically correct one could also
have fun theorizing that people who have theories about latent
homosexuality as it relates to criminal acts just may have latent
homophobic tendencies.  It's fun to wonder, but it doesn't make it true.


On Mon, 4 May 1998 16:23:46 -0700 "Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>"Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>"Urban myths,"  by definition, are decades old canards keyed into a
>culture's fears.  As such, a family's catastrophe (the senior Mr 
>homosexuality and ultimate death from AIDS) doesn't even enter into 
>realm of "urban myths."
>More to the point, the fact is that Simpson's father was a haphazard 
>in his son's early life and  interesting shadow figure in creating 
>matured into his son.   Added to that is  "Ms Eunice's" role at head 
>of the
>family and how she attempted to raise her second son.
>Any out-of-kilter family modalities can and are used to analyze why a 
>grows up to beat up women.   Why Orenthal grew up to lord it over his
>sisters and his former (living) wife.
>Shut off a person's prologue for politically correct sentiments
>("homophobia," current cultural mores) and you miss all the fun of 
>the puzzle.  Unless, of course, some of you out there think that his
>baterring, abuse, beating and kicking  of wives is not all that 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: William J. Foristal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Monday, May 04, 1998 12:26 PM
>Subject: L&I Re: Simpson's Sexuality
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
>>HI Vi,
>>Oh, you're more than welcome to speculate about anything.  That is
>>certainly your right.  As I said, I fall into the "who gives a shit"
>>group when it comes to anyone's sexual orientation.  I find it 
>>to the type of person they are and I can certainly find other hang 
>>that are more interesting to me. <BG>
>>BTW, I've heard that the rumors about Simpson's father being a closet
>>homosexual were also part of a mis-information campaign and have 
>>an urban myth.  I don't know if this is true or not, however.  Like I
>>said, I don't give a shit.  :)
>>I DID hear that Simpson may have latent Negro tendencies however, and 
>>plan to investigate that one.
>>On Mon, 4 May 1998 10:23:55 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano)
>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
>>>Hi Bill,  Just because a psychological condition cannot be
>>>"scientifically" measured does not mean that we discard it, throwing
>>>out the baby with the
>>>bathwater.  As laymen, we are free to speculate and apply the
>>>left us concerning whatever some scientists have spent their entire
>>>lives studying and classifying.  What was said here about Simpson's
>>>possibly homesexual tendencies was not said to "piss him off"  It 
>>>mere speculation about what caused him to be so abusive of Nicole 
>>>what exactly led him to finally butcher her
>>>and her friend,  Any time there is an effect, there is a cause.  I
>>>want to know the probable cause of a vicious murder.and to seek all
>>>possible explanations, even if they may seem a little out in left
>>>Not that it had any bearing on Simpson's sexual orientation, but his
>>>was a closet homosexual until he left left OJ's mother to live a
>>>different lifestyle.
>>>"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
>>>You wrote:
>>>Hi Bill,  Just because a psychological condition cannot be
>>>scientifically measured
>>>does not mean that we throw out the baby with the bath water.  We 
>>>free to speculate based on whatever some scientists have spent their
>>>entire lives studying and classifying.  What was said here about
>>>Simpson's possibly homesexual tendencies was not said to "piss him
>>>off"  It was mere speculation about what caused him to be so abusive
>>>of Nicole and  what exactly led him to finally butcher her
>>>and her friend,  Any time there is an effect, there is a cause.  I
>>>want to know the probable cause of a vicious murder.and to seek all
>>>possible explanations, even if they may seem a little out in left
>>>Not that it had any bearing on Simpson's sexual orientation, but his
>>>was a closet homosexual until he left left OJ's mother to live a
>>>different lifestyle.
>>>As for who may have helped S. after the crimes, I nominate Jason.
>>>"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
>>>__________________________________________ You wrote:  <<< IMO, the
>>>only reason the subject of latent homosexuality ever came up
>>>with respect to Simpson is because people thought this would be a 
>>>really get to him and cause him much anger and distress.  Many 
>>>in this field refer to this as psycho-babble.  As you, Terry and
>>>others have
>>>pointed out, something like this is impossible to define, impossible
>>>to measure and impossible to prove under true scientific conditions.
>>>It also falls under the "who gives a shit" category.>>>
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