Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Tabloid Show Touts Story, Then Shoots It Down

                  By Howard Kurtz
                  Washington Post Staff Writer
                  Tuesday, May 5, 1998; Page C01 

                  Last night, the syndicated program "Inside Edition"
aired eye-popping
                  charges by Cristy Zercher, a former flight attendant,
that Bill Clinton
                  groped her on a 1992 campaign flight.

                  Tonight, in Part 2 of the "world television
exclusive," the program adds
                  crucial details of how Zercher flunked a lie detector
test administered by
                  "Inside Edition." In fact, "she failed miserably,"
says Jan Murray, a
                  spokeswoman for the King World show.

                  Which raises the question: Why air the story at all?

                  "You have to set up the premise of what her story is
in order to thoroughly
                  examine the results," says Marc Rosenweig, a King
World vice president.
                  Since "we didn't want to withhold the headline from
people," he says, last
                  night's show included a sound bite "that there's a 99
percent probability
                  she's not telling the truth."

                  "Inside Edition" did not plan to disclose the
polygraph results in Part 1 until
                  what Murray called a "last-minute change" in
programming. The mention
                  came in the final minute of last night's report.

                  The show's first press release last Friday avoided
spilling the beans. "Cristy
                  Zercher Claims Presidential Candidate Bill Clinton
Groped and Fondled
                  Her While Hillary Slept Just Feet Away," it roared.
The release urged
                  viewers to "stay tuned for the results" of the
polygraph exam in Part 2.

                  A second release announcing the polygraph results went
out yesterday
                  afternoon, too late to be published before last
night's program. It said that
                  in the examination, Zercher had negative ratings for
truthfulness on four
                  questions asked last week.

                  "She's not telling the truth," Bob Brisentine, a
former president of the
                  American Polygraph Association, told the show.

                  Zercher is quoted as saying, "I want everybody to know
that I'm not lying.
                  . . . I had no resistance in doing the test because I
knew I was telling the

                  If Zercher's tale sounds vaguely familiar, that's
because she sold it to the
                  Star supermarket tabloid in March. Apparently she also
made a financial
                  deal with "Inside Edition," which pays for interviews
but would not confirm
                  that it bought Zercher's story.

                  In an account largely ignored by the mainstream press,
the "stunning
                  blonde," as "Inside Edition" calls her, said that
Clinton fondled her breast
                  for 40 minutes on the plane and she accused him of
other lewd behavior.
                  (In a 1994 interview with The Washington Post, Zercher
made no mention
                  of being harassed by Clinton.)

                  Rosenweig says that "Inside Edition," which airs
locally on WBDC-TV
                  (Channel 50), interviewed another former flight
attendant who challenges
                  Zercher's account. "We feel this is an important
story," he says. "We made
                  sure we did it right."

                  But White House spokesman Joe Lockhart sees it
differently: "It used to
                  be, you checked your facts first and did the story
second. Now you do the
                  story and then you check your facts. Anyone can see a
problem with that."

                  As for the allegations themselves, Lockhart says: "We
don't comment on
                  tabloid stories -- especially this one."

                  Bye Bye

                  Fred Barnes and Mort Kondracke, two longtime mainstays
of the
                  "McLaughlin Group," are jumping ship to launch their
own political show
                  for Fox News Channel.

                  Adding insult to injury, the still-unnamed Saturday
night program, which
                  debuts next month, will appear on the cable network
opposite McLaughlin
                  in the Washington market.

                  Barnes, executive editor of the Weekly Standard, and
                  executive editor of Roll Call, are the latest to
defect from McLaughlin, the
                  high-decibel former priest who essentially invented
the shout show in 1982.
                  Both prognosticators were already Fox contributors.
Their departure
                  follows that of columnist Jack Germond, who quit for
the syndicated
                  "Inside Washington" in late 1996.

                  "I've enjoyed it for 10 years," says Barnes, long
called "Freddy the Beadle"
                  by McLaughlin. "But at some point you want to go out
and do a show of
                  your own." He says the McLaughlin gabfest has
"unbelievable" visibility
                  and that "we'll be performing for a much smaller
audience" on the Fox
                  show. Barnes said the new show will focus on "politics
at the lowest
                  possible level: who's gonna run, who's gonna win. We
won't be doing a
                  show on how the IMF guidelines affect Indonesia."

                  In a letter to McLaughlin, Barnes said he was
"enormously grateful" to the
                  "master" for having "taught me practically everything
I know about

                  Kondracke says the new program will be "more like a
magazine," featuring
                  interviews with pollsters and media consultants rather
than round-table
                  discussions. "It's going to be fun and interesting and
different and a chance
                  to develop something," says Kondracke, who also wrote
McLaughlin a
                  "grateful" letter.

                  McLaughlin took the high road, saying: "That is the
type of challenge that
                  cannot be resisted. Business is business. I am proud
of the fact they were
                  grown on the 'McLaughlin Group.' " He says Barnes and
                  appeared on only half the shows this year and that he
still plans to use them
                  as "irregular" guests.

                  Fox News, part of Rupert Murdoch's media empire, has
been on a
                  spending spree, signing up such big-name contributors
as former Clinton
                  strategist Dick Morris, "McLaughlin" panelist Eleanor
Clift and Internet
                  gossip Matt Drudge.

                  Less Than Live

                  Stung by criticism of its live coverage of a man
committing suicide on a Los
                  Angeles freeway, MSNBC now plans to delay certain live
shots by several
                  seconds. The Thursday tragedy was also carried live by
a half-dozen L.A.
                  stations, some of which have apologized for not
cutting away. "We deeply
                  regret that we aired this disturbing scene," MSNBC
spokeswoman Maria
                  Bataglia told USA Today.

                  Sam Sounds Off

                  Sam Donaldson, ABC's high-profile White House
correspondent, says his
                  network was "wrong" not to carry President Clinton's
news conference live
                  last week, as CBS and NBC did. ABC executives say they
concluded that
                  Clinton would probably not make news, but Donaldson
told the
                  Philadelphia Inquirer: "There are some events that
major news
                  organizations have to cover, even if it's unlikely
that news will happen. . . . I
                  regret that we didn't take it live. I think we should
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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