[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Sue,

How long do you think it will be before we read leaks coming from
anonymous former Grand Jury members? <G>


On Tue, 05 May 1998 12:05:46 -0700 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>LITTLE ROCK, Ark., May 5 (UPI) _ The second Whitewater grand jury
>impaneled in Little Rock
>to investigate President Clinton's business dealings has been 
>after indicting only Susan
>McDougal during its two-year term. 
>Court personnel brought in pizzas for a goodbye party today and 
>of the grand jury smiled
>and hugged as they left the courthouse. A federal mandate forbids them
>from talking about what
>they heard on the jury panel. 
>Although the 23 members of the grand jury reportedly examined the
>business of the Clintons in the
>Whitewater and Castle Grande land deals, they only indicted McDougal 
>refusing to answer
>questions during the investigation. 
>Charles Bakaly, the spokesman for independent counsel Kenneth Starr,
>told reporters Monday that
>information gathered by the Little Rock grand jury could be passed on 
>the grand jury based in
>Washington, D.C. 
>The first grand jury indicted James McDougal, his ex-wife, Susan, and
>former Arkansas Gov. Jim
>Guy Tucker, on fraud charges in 1995 and former deputy Attorney 
>Webster Hubbell on
>mail fraud and tax evasion in 1994. 
>The McDougals and Tucker were convicted in 1996 and Hubbell pleaded
>guilty to his charges
>1994, agreeing to cooperate with independent Kenneth Starr. He served
>most of a 21-month
>sentence, but is now facing new charges. 
>Hubbell, his wife, a tax lawyer and an accountant were charged last
>Thursday in a 10-count
>indictment with tax violations and mail fraud. 
>Two rules in life:
>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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