Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

By Anthony Lewis\

BOSTON If there has been a slimier political act in Washington in recent
                 decades, I do not remember it. Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind.,
reached depths of
                 degradation in publishing transcripts of telephone
conversations that Webster
                 Hubbell had, from prison, with his wife, friends and
                 The Federal Bureau of Prisons tapes prisoners' calls to
guard against threats
                 to security. Its regulations forbid disclosure of their
contents, as does the
                 Privacy Act.
                 Burton, chairman of a House committee that is
investigating campaign
                 finance, subpoenaed the Hubbell tapes. He said he
needed them to pursue an
                 inquiry into whether Hubbell had been paid hush money
for silence. But he
                 edited out exculpatory remarks by Hubbell, including a
denial of the
                 hush-money notion.
                 In turning the tapes over, the Justice Department said,
"We understand the
                 committee appreciates (their) sensitivity and will
safeguard them accordingly."
                 Burton ignored that, an aide explained, because "the
American people had a
                 right to know what happened." The real purpose was of
course to smear
                 Hubbell's friend, President Bill Clinton.
                 Burton once fired a bullet into a melon to prove that
Vincent Foster did not
                 commit suicide. He is a fanatic ready to believe, and
propagate, anything that
                 will hurt Clinton.
                 When Hillary Rodham Clinton said her husband was the
target of "a vast
                 right-wing conspiracy," she was much mocked. The word
conspiracy evokes
                 the unlikely picture of men plotting in secret
meetings. But no one can doubt
                 that many people and institutions on the political
right are dedicated to
                 destroying Clinton. Like Burton, they need no
instructions from a conspiracy.
                 Richard Mellon Scaife reportedly funneled $2.4 million
through a right-wing
                 magazine, The American Spectator, for what was called
the Arkansas
                 Project. It was a secret operation to find evil about
the president - or invent
                 it, like the tale that he helped to fly drugs in
through an airport at Mena, Ark.
                 Kenneth Starr's principal deputy in Little Rock, W.
Hickman Ewing Jr., was
                 the subject of a recent profile by Jeffrey Toobin in
The New Yorker. His
                 record, and his own words, portray a prosecutor who
sees himself as the
                 sword of God and who has decided, as Toobin put it,
"that the president and
                 his wife are crooks."
                 Starr, the Whitewater independent counsel, is not in
the fanatical category of
                 a Burton, Scaife or Ewing. But he has gone very far in
his effort to find
                 something that he can report to the House as a possible
impeachable offense
                 by the president.
                 Last week Starr had a grand jury indict Webster Hubbell
on numerous
                 charges, principally obstructing tax administration.
Hubbell's wife, accountant
                 and lawyer were also indicted.
                 "That's very hardball," a U.S. attorney in New York
under President George
                 Bush, Otto Obermaier, said. It is unusual to bring a
criminal rather than a civil
                 case on such tax matters, and this was brought without
the customary review
                 by the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue
Service. Starr hopes to
                 pressure Hubbell into saying damaging things about
President and Mrs.
                 Starr is trying, for the first time in our history, to
make Secret Service agents
                 who guard the president testify about his personal
life. He is taking that
                 dangerous step in hopes of getting evidence that
Clinton lied about a sexual
                 relationship - lied in a deposition found to be
immaterial, in a civil case that
                 has been dismissed.
                 Clinton has made what I regard as grave mistakes of
policy, and he may have
                 done private wrongs that are the subject of so much
innuendo. But the
                 behavior of his enemies seems to me - and I think to
much of the public - far
                 more dangerous.
                 At his press conference last week one reporter after
another asked the
                 president about his "moral authority." They might start
asking about the moral
                 authority of Burton, Scaife and the other haters. And
they might start thinking
                 about what will be left of our constitutional balance
on Jan. 20, 2001, when
                 Starr will presumably stop haunting the presidency. 
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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