Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Yvonne:

If I remember correctly you said the same thing right after that
interview he had on the sports station.  :)

The guys interview on Hard Copy for the past two days shows a man who is
dying inside.  He wants to believe his own hype, but even he is
beginning to wonder.  

I honestly think that this is worse than any prison sentence for him,
and no one deserves it more, IMO.

I just feel sorry for the kids.  Especially if he does ever come out
with a confession.  How in the world are they ever going to be able to
handle that.  And I honestly think that day will come.

> I was at Danial Petrocelli's book signing this past Monday night.  Besides
> just signing his new book, he also gave an hour lecture on the back ground
> of the civil trial insofar as not more than 16 members of the public were
> allowed to watch the proceedings on any given day.   He explained the
> concept of double jeopardy and why it doesn't apply to this civil process,
> Simpson's conscious lying during the depositions and while on the stand and,
> of course the subject of Sue's article: his (Petrocelli's) belief that
> Simpson is on the road to a confesion, as seen in the Esquire article  and
> the banana scene in Ruby Wax's interview.
> While many of us see Simpson's quasi confession vis a vis "What if I did
> kill her.   I did it out of love," to which Petrocelli said "Oh. Ok.  That
> makes the murders alright then," hearing it out of the mouth of Danial
> Petrocelli validates my similar belief.   P mentioned the price around one
> million dollars while I see a larger sum, something covering the 33.5
> million indemnity which would be propelled by a package consisting of a
> book, audio, video and ppv.  All those avenues which were inexplicitly
> closed to him after the criminal trial.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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