DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-03-10 06:43:03 EST, you write:

<< For demographers, neonatal death occurs within the first 28 days and infant
 mortality within a year, I believe.  I would imagine the medical profession
 uses the same cut-offs.  So, I wonder if there would be many lead-based paint
 fatalities, I wouldn't think so.  >>

There may be more than you'd think.  African American children, particularly
those of west African extraction, tend to walk at younger ages than do
caucasian children and are thus better able to get to those crumbling
windowsills to nibble.  Most of the small children around here are walking
quite well by 9 months of age.

I don;t know the incidence of lead paint fatalities in general, though.  I do
know it leads to lots of illness, failure to thrive, learning problems, things
like that.

I wonder about the asbestos problem too.  In the inner city we still have
schools with asbestos-wrapped pipes.  Yeah, I know, that's an outrage.  But so
much is an outrage in the city that one just says "Oh, well,  it's one more."


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