[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

>A few years ago there was a case here in which a boa constrictor did 
>fact kill a baby in it's crib.  I don't remember details except that 
>baby was asleep in its crib, it was maybe a year (?) old and the 
>found the snake wrapped around their baby in the crib.  If memory 
>me right (?) I think that the snake had to be cut in order to get it 
>release the body.  I don't  recall if the snake had escaped from it's
>cage or what but I remember feeling so awful for that family.  Charges
>were brought against the parents, they were found guilty (I think) but
>did not serve any time because of their loss.

HI Sooz,

What a terrible tragedy.  No civil punishment could ever compare to the
punishment those parents received.  One that will be with them for the
rest of their lives.

I suppose it makes sense that the snake will instinctively seek out the
warmth and scent of a small baby as if it were a natural thing to prey


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