[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Sue,

I would bet that she would be just as reliable as the people they now
have working those jobs.  Perhaps more so. :)

And I doubt that the people who supported her and contributed money to
her will be upset because she chooses to live in London.  I think they
were just happy to see her get out of jail.

The media tends to make such a big deal out of these cases that we tend
to lose our perspective on things.  I suspect that once the appeals court
rules this will gradually slip out of the public interest.


On Tue, 17 Mar 1998 14:23:28 -0800 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill:
>I don't have a problem with her living in London or anywhere else she
>wants to live either.  But what about all those people who stood 
>her and donated money to her from her little town in England.  
>As for the animal thing, I just wouldn't trust her with them.  The
>animals shelters can't really afford much supervision or training.  So
>the people are pretty much on their own.
>> HI Sue,
>> But that could be true of anyone they hire.  The answer to that is
>> supervision, IMO, and training.  Not blackballing someone from 
>getting a
>> job.
>> I don't have any problem with her living in London either.  :)  I 
>> unless the appeals court overturns Zobel and puts her back in jail 
>> she's free to live wherever she wants.
>> Bill
>May the leprechauns be near you to spread luck along your way.  And 
>all the Irish angels smile upon you this St. Patrick's Day.
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