Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Kathy:

According to the lawyer who is handling the case for the clients her
husband stole the money from, Kathleen made a sworn statement which said
the on the day of her husband's death she went to the WH to do her daily
job, and talked to no one there that day.  She is also still legally
responsible for the money that her husband stole which is in the
neighborhood of 30 thousand dollars.  And the clients are actively
trying to recover it.

I got this off of Bryant Gumbles show last night, where the attorney
appeared with the sworn statement of Kathleen's.  :(

> Hi Mac :)
> You and I just have so much butting heads don't we :) :)
> I am going on what I know. Now I'm about 24hrs behind on the news due to
> other things I was busy with, I have seen the president change his
> story, I have seen his lawyer change his story I have not seen Kathleen
> change her story. Matterfact here in VA a while ago they had a write up
> about the players in this, and her name was mentioned. The only thing I
> have seen that people are keying in on is this, she wanted a book deal
> she wanted $300,000 advance the book deal was turned down by the same
> company that published OJ's books. What is NOT being reported though by
> many is this, he said now he is more than happy to publish her book, at
> the time it was first proposed he didn't realize it was such a hot story
> per se. It wasn't because he doubted her story at all it was because he
> didn't realize the impact of her story. 20/20 hindsight has shown him
> the errors of his ways.
> Now how has she changed her story? And according to who has she changed
> her story?
> Remember one thing at the beginning of this I personally didn't care,
> matterfact I deleted most of the messages concerning this whole subject,
> but I made a point of watching her interview and I just didn't see
> anything that showed me she was untruthful. I did see that on the other
> side of the fence though. And I still can't get past one thing that
> bothers the heck out of me, why did Clinton change his story concerning
> the meeting with her??? First he didn't remember it, then he suddenly
> has a very clear memory of it? What gives here? Something isn't right.
> moonshine wrote:
> >
> > moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Mornin' Kathy,
> >     If Ms.Willey is so credible then why did she change her story for the
> > book deal? Her original proposal had nothing salacious or sexy about it.
> > When that version didn't sell her story took on another flavor. C'mon
> > now must admit that there is something amiss here.
> > ...Mac
> --
> Kathy E
> "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
> isn't looking too good for you either"
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