Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi doc :)

I haven't seen it, but it does sound like a load of BS to me. Someone
was bored and decided to have some fun to see how many would believe it.

DocCec wrote:
> DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Did all of you get this, or am I just one of the lucky ones?
> Doc
> Date:   98-03-18 05:12:07 EST
> Breaking News Report For AOL Members Only !
>         A news source close to the Monica Lewinsky investigation says that Kenneth
> Starr, the independent council investigating president Clinton’s alleged
> sexual improprieties, has been caught on video tape soliciting sexual favors
> from elderly male prostitutes in the employ of televangialist Jerry Falwell.
>         It is not clear at this time why Mr. Falwell employs male prostitutes, but
> according to an unidentified source one or more of the gay prostitutes has
> come forward and implicated Kenneth Starr and Jerry Falwell in a romantic
> tryst.
>         The source tells AOL that Mr. Falwell is in tears. Falwell’s spokesman says,
> “Jerry is extremely angry and upset and has threatened to go on the Sam and
> Cokie show and tell all.” Mr. Starr was reportedly seen fleeing his offices
> and clutching a large leather object with straps. A strange pall of silence
> has fallen over Washington. A spokesman from Starr’s office, while smirking
> and winking, has reportedly said that Mr. Starr and Falwell had been “very
> close” friends. Starr’s investigation into the Clinton sex scandal has
> apparently gone on hold while Starr’s staff desperately scramble to find a way
> to defuse these latest shocking allegations to rock Washington.
>         More on this fast breaking story as further developments leak.    >>
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Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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