Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

CBS News Won't Release Bennett Tape

>           NEW YORK (AP) -- CBS News rejected a White House request
>           Wednesday to release a transcript or tape of the full
>           45-minute interview given by presidential lawyer Robert
>           Bennett this weekend in response to Kathleen Willey.
>           Bennett complained that his ``60 Minutes'' interview
>           responding to Willey's charges that President Clinton
>           had made unwanted sexual advances was edited to make him
>           look bad.
>           Clinton press secretary Mike McCurry said he'd received
>           at least a half dozen requests from reporters for the
>           full transcript of the interview.
>           Releasing outtakes of a broadcast interview would be
>           highly unusual, if not unprecedented, for CBS or any
>           other news organization. Spokeswoman Sandra Genelius
>           said it was tantamount to releasing a reporter's notes.
>           ``We consider it notes and background information,'' she
>           said. ``The piece that we put on the air is fully
>           representative of the interview.''
>           The White House has reacted aggressively in the wake of
>           Willey's interview on Sunday, which catapulted ``60
>           Minutes'' to the top of the weekly television ratings
>           for the first time since 1994. Clinton aides released a
>           series of letters showing Willey had corresponded with
>           the president after he allegedly made a crude sexual
>           advance outside the Oval Office.
>           McCurry said release of the CBS transcript would allow
>           viewers to see whether correspondent Ed Bradley was
>           ``hostile'' in his questioning of Bennett. CBS aired a 3
>           1/2-minute portion of Bennett's interview on ``60
>           Minutes.''
>           Bennett complained that CBS intentionally used a portion
>           of the interview where he had looked down and away from
>           the camera.
>           ``I think it was a hit job on the president,'' he said
>           of the full ``60 Minutes'' report. ``I think it told a
>           one-sided story.''
>           CBS declined to speculate on White House motives for
>           publicly pushing for release of the Bennett interview.
>           ``It was a strong and responsible interview,'' Genelius
>           said. ``We wholeheartedly stand by it.''

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