Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi all :) Just a brief update, Jerome has been taken out of ICU and is
off of the guarded list concerning surviving, it does look like he's
going to make it :) :) It does not look like he'll walk again though,
prognosis is poor for him to be able to ever move anything below his
chest, but we'll wait and see. The Dr's are talking about arranging to
transfer him to a hospital in South Carolina so he can be among his
friends and family of course we'll have to wait until he's a bit more
stable, but at least he's going to make it and that's what counts. I
personally am glad I don't have to drive down there for a funeral for
one of the people I consider an asset to the sport of Rodeo.

Again my private thanks for all the well wishes from this list, I know
y'all don't know Jerome but he's a fine fellow who has one of the best
reputations in Rodeo, at least IMHO. I've never heard anyone ever say
anything bad about him, not even behind the chutes where people tend to
tell the gossip about each other. He was never one used in the gossip
mill, he was just a all around good guy who earned his reputation in
Rodeo especially Bull Riding. It's rare to see those type of kids still
around with strong moral backgrounds, yet every once in a while one
shows up and you can't help but admire them :)
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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