Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The Montana Freemen wrote 3,432 bogus checks totaling $15.5 billion
against a nonexistent bank account, an Internal Revenue Service
investigator said Thursday. 

The Freeman and their followers managed to swindle $1.8 million from
government agencies and private businesses prior to an 81-day standoff
with the FBI that ended in June 1996, according to IRS Special Agent
Loretta Rodriguez. 

Rodriguez, testifying at the trial of six Freemen, said the IRS received
413 of the bogus checks in a tax scheme that cost her agency $29,000. 

Only two of the six Freemen on trial, Elwin Ward, 57, of Salt Lake City,
and Edwin Clark, 47, of Brusett, Montana, are implicated in the bogus
check operation. The others are accused of being accessories by aiding
Freemen leaders in the stronghold they called "Justus Township" to avoid
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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