Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill

I think you have really hit on one important thing that many forget when we
hear each person's story of what occurred.  Usually, it is not an either/or
thing, but the truth lies somewhere in-between. I guess what I mean here is
that it is not either she is telling the whole truth or he is telling the
whole truth.  In reality, we act and believe our perceptions of the
situation, not necessarily the reality of the whole situation.  How's that
for a muddy explanation??

But what has me baffled is the lack of interest by the younger generation in
what is occurring with this mess.  Some of them do not even know what is
happening and even if they are aware of the "mess" have no concern about how
it affects the political process, our international relations, etc.  I know I
can't generalize to the majority of young people in our society from my
experiences with the younger generation at this school, but I see hundreds
everyday, not just one or two.


William J. Foristal wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> HI Jackie,
> I agree completely.  The sad part of this entire fiasco is that there is
> probably an element of truth in EVERY person's statements and comments
> about what really happened.  The problem comes when the truth becomes
> exaggerated with details that probably did not happen.  Then everyone who
> is observing this can, rightfully, cast doubts about EVERYTHING that a
> person says.  As usual, the truth probably exists somewhere in between.
> But I hope that not many people adopt the stance that women mus always
> stick up for other women, or men for other men, or Republicans for other
> Republicans, Dems for Dems, etc. etc. regardless of what the evidence and
> the facts are.
> Bill
> On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 22:19:01 -0600 Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> >Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> >Hi Bill
> >
> >You know I can't help but wonder why the producers of 60 Minutes
> >didn't ask
> >themselves why Willey was so willing to come on the program and tell
> >her
> >devastating tale?  I know I would wonder after she was previously a
> >reluctant
> >witness.  This whole mess to me really has gotten to me a "let's
> >win--no
> >matter what methods we use to win" on both sides.  Truly a sad
> >commentary on
> >our political process.   I guess my skepticism when I watched her on
> >60
> >Minutes saved me from feeling any letdown when all this other stuff
> >became
> >public.  The one thing that really riled me the most, however, was the
> >reaction of the feminists to this whole thing.  To me, they sent out
> >an
> >implicit message to all women that you had better be seen as a
> >"worthy" cause
> >to be defended.  I may have been the only woman that felt that, but I
> >hope
> >not, especially after hearing a feminist badmouth a woman commentator
> >for
> >daring to question Willey's allegations as she was a woman and should
> >be
> >standing up for her.  I know that I am not being clear in voicing my
> >thoughts
> >about this, but hope you know what I mean.
> >
> >jackief
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