Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

It seems your looking at the sexual aspect of the case, I'm looking into
the investigation and illegal acts that were done, if you read the plea
agreement that was just reached btwn Starr and Tucker, it shows that
there is something coming out of this investigation, Tucker pleaded
guilty to one of the charges and has agreed to testify if need be at
trial about his knowledge concerning the Clintons and their involvement
in Whitewater. That tells me something is happening but people are
overlooking that since they are more interested in the backside gossip.

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> I think that if you read what I told Bill you would see that I basically
> am saying the same thing.  There were people in the Simpson trial that
> were used because they had either written a book (Resnick) or been paid
> by Hard Copy (Snively) or the Enquirer (the knife brothers).  If their
> testimony had been used perhaps something different would have come of
> that circus.
> I was watching Eye to Eye just now, and I don't know anymore about
> Kathleen Willey than what I saw on 60 Minutes, but it sure looks like a
> deal where someone is trying hard to discredit her.  I do have one
> question, if everything that these people are saying is true, wouldn't
> she have known that before she went on 60 Minutes.  And knowing that
> wouldn't she have thought about it quite a bit before she did.
> I don't know how in the world anyone is going to ever know who lied and
> who didn't.  Not in this mess.
> IMO Starr's investigation is going to go nowhere.  All that is going to
> come out of it is a big bill for the taxpayers.  There are too many
> people on both sides who are not telling the truth, and there is no way
> that anyone can ever figure out what is what.
> That is unless an *eye witness* suddenly jumps out of the bushes.  And
> the way that this thing is going that just might happen.
> Have you heard anything about the actress from the Highlander show?  She
> supposedly had an affair with Clinton too, and now she is suppose to be
> before the grand jury, and then there is the model from New York.  Does
> it ever end?
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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