><< Paula Jones is no doubt a slut - or whatever term
> grabs you denoting a lack of puritanical values for women only - for letting
> a boyfriend take nude pictures of her. >>

>No "for women only" about it on this end, Terry.  I'd think the same thing if
>a guy let his girlfriend take nude pix and then complained about it when those
>pix ended up in Playgirl.  ("Slut" BTW is your word, not mine.)

I don't use slut.  I am not a puritan.  I have no familiarity with the
language of puritanism.  I am not one who thinks the public has a right to
knowledge about the private sexual activities of consenting adults.  Just my
own private immorality, I guess.  

>From my own perspective there does not seem to be a great demand for nude
pictures of many men outside the gay community.  The sexual activities of
men do not seem to scandalize the public like those of women.

I don't make the rules, Doc.
Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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