First of all, let me say I'm ecstatic about the progress on the native
Carbon Mac OS X build. I've recently switched to Mac OS X completely (no
Windows at all for me anymore), so finding Lazarus can use native Carbon
widgets was like finding Christmas in July! :)

One thing that I question, though, is the decision to leave the main
executable of a program outside the app bundle and using a link inside the
app bundle to that executable. For example, lets say you've got a project
called "Testme". In the build directory you will have both the "Testme"
executable and the "" bundle. Of course the question for the end
user is "which one do I run?" since they both have the same filename (the
".app" extension is hidden in the Finder). Running the "Testme" executable
from the command line doesn't work (oh, it runs, but it is inaccessible to
mouse or keyboard input and must be stopped with a killall command). Running
"" does work fine (when using "open" at the command
line or double-clicking on it from the Finder). But leaving the main
executable outside the bundle is non-standard and could cause problems for
the end user, e.g. when double-clicking on the "Testme" executable instead
of "" since the ".app" is hidden in the finder. And it will look
to the end user like there are two programs (or at least two files) with the
same name. Instead of this approach, the "Testme" executable should be
placed inside the "" bundle at "".
IMHO, the build process should place the executable in the proper location
and not simply use a link.

Regardless, I'm very impressed with the progress so far, and I'm looking
forward to using Lazarus on Mac OS X for a long, long time.

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