Hello all,

is it possile to hide ToolButton from ToolBar? If I make visible := false then 
the button is not drawn (not visible), but its place is left empty. I need to 
realign (or how to call this action?) all butons to ocupy that place. And I 
need an ability to show it again (in the same place). 
The only way I have found so far is to make ToolButton autosize := true and 
afterwards make it visible := false and width := 1 (and to "undo" visible and 
width aterwards). 
If I make width := 0 and "undo" it later - the ToolButton is placed in another 
place (one, two or three buttons furter from where it was first).

Why do I need it for? I need some kind of toolBar buttons manager ;)
Thanks tof advices and help.

Žilvinas Ledas
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