Zitat von Sebastian Kraft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello,
> have some trouble with Form.ShowModal...
> Form1:= TForm1.create;
> Form1.ShowModal;
> Should bring Form1 to front, keep it on top of all other project forms and
> stay there until it is closed. Is this right?

(Except other ShowModal forms.)

> But sometimes when I click on the Mainform behind Form1 Mainform comes to
> front and Form1 is hidden behind it.... I am using GTK2 widgetset from svn.
> Am I doing something wrong calling ShowModal? Or is it a bug?

What window manager are you using?

For example ubuntu with compiz has such a bug. This has nothing to do with the
LCL or the gtk2, but compiz in general.


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