If I want to create a simple master/detail relationship of one-to-many, it
is easy:

Tables and fields:

Contact: [u]Code[/u], Name <-- Master table
Phone: [u]Number[/u], Contact (Contact is a foreign key) <-- Detail table

Contact TDataSource properties:
 - DataSet: ContactDataset
 - Name: ContactDataSource

Contact TSqlite3Dataset properties:
 - Name: ContactDataset
 - TableName: Contact

Phone TDataSource properties:
 - DataSet: PhoneDataset
 - Name: PhoneDataSource

Contact TSqlite3Dataset properties:
 - Name: PhoneDataset
 - TableName: Phone
 - IndexFieldNames: Contact
 - MasterFields: Code
 - MasterSource: ContactDataSource

But, if I want to create a master/detail relationship of one-to-many with
several foreign keys, how I do it?

For example I want to create this relationship:

Contact: [u]Code[/u], Name <-- Master table
Company: [u]Code[/u], Name <-- Master table
Phone: [u]Number[/u], Contact, Company (Contact and Company are foreigns
keys) <-- Detail table

How I do it?

Best regards.
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