On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 19:49, Graeme Geldenhuys
> I love the new about dialog and the animated information. :-) The
> pride and joy of a programmer - creating the about screen. ;-)
> One not so great feature is when you resize the dialog (Lazarus IDE
> compiled with GTK2).  The mini logo, Close button and page control
> tabs flicker like crazy!!

Under win32, logo and page controls do flicker, but Close button does not.
Anyway, why is About dialog resizeable at all? The only reason to
resize it would be
to increase the amount of visible credits, but the the animated area does
not grow with the dialog, which looks rather amateurish, if you pardon
the expression.

So I suggest disable resizing and thus fix both problems at once ;-)

Alexander S. Klenin
Insight Experts Ltd.
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