Henry Vermaak wrote:

> i'm not sure i follow here.  i've been running lazarus gtk2 under
> debain testing for more than a year.

The pixbuf stuff as currently being shipped appears to -> v1 to the 
extent that it pulled in a whole lot of v1 libraries when installed.

> the menu hiding thing i don't understand either, but you can do it
> manually on gtk2 with gtk_widget_hide(PGtkWidget(MainMenu.Handle));
> and show again with gtk_widget_show.  you can see if it's visible with
> gtk_widget_visible (surprise).

OK, so it can be done manually which is a start. Now all I need to do is 
get Lazarus working- on whatever distro- with v2 so I can see if the 
widget set does it. At present I can't say whether Win-32 is anomalous 
for doing it, or gtk v1 is anomalous for not doing it. And much as I 
want to know I've got limited time.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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