On Fri, 24 Oct 2008 12:49:53 +0000
Mark Morgan Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mattias Gärtner wrote:
> >> Could a rule for "help" be grafted onto the makefile showing the
> >> important options and available targets?
> > 
> > They are documented on the wiki pages about the various
> > platforms/widgetsets. They also mention needed libraries and tools.
> Thanks, noted.
>  > The makefile would be a bad and uncommon place for this
>  > information.
> Sorry, with respect I disagree about the "uncommon" aspect. If you
> say "make help" in the Linux kernel build directory it gives you a
> list of targets etc., and in a fairly high proportion of open source
> projects "./configure --help" will give you a list of options.

Right you are.
And of course more help would be better.

Note: We don't want/need a './configure'. lazarus should compile for
most users with a normal 'make'. If you need options then you are
doing experimental stuff.

AFAIK: It is common to list some common options. But it is uncommon to
explain those options there. The explanations and requirements are
normally put into an Install or Readme file under Linux/BSD/C projects
and some pdf/html/etc on other targets.
The make files were always a temporary solution. We always wanted a fp
way to compile stuff. The coming fpmake will hopefully do the job.
To make C and linux people feel home there will be a Makefile that
will simply call fpmake.
And the sub make targets for lcl, components codetools, ... will be
replaced/vanish too.
This will not happen in weeks, but maybe in a few months.


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