On 11/5/08, Florian Klaempfl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > What is "idefix"?
> The machine running svn.freepascal.org.

Ah, ok.

>  > Like I mentioned before... I did a fresh Lazarus Trunk (head) revision
>  > checkout with svn.  The total size of that single (head) revision was
>  > 314MB. That's one revision with no history.  If I do a 'svn export' of
>  > that directory to get rid of all the .svn directories, the size drops
>  > to 76MB.
> 392 MB is the size of repository on the server.

Yes that's great but useless to anybody using the repository - even if
you work directly on that server machine! Nobody can use the
repository directly and have full history. You need to use 'svn
checkout' which only pulls out ONE revision and is almost the size of
the whole repository on the server!  And you DON'T have the full
history, just ONE revision. A single revision checkout = 314MB. Pitty
they couldn't implement that SubVersion efficiency on the client side
as well.

  - Graeme -

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