On Wed, 2008-11-05 at 02:08 +1000, Alexander Klenin wrote:
> Attached is a patch which adds two more styles to TSeriesPointerStyle type,
> useful when there is a need to draw value intervals on a chart.
> I also would like to do some code cleanup (e.g. consistent re-indenting)
> and refactoring of TAChart code.
> The patches will be fairly intrusive, touching almost every line of code.
> Will such patches be accepted?

Thanks Alexander applied in r17240. 

About the other patch, please create a report in the bugtracker under
patches and assign it to me. I will know what to do. As to the patches
themselves, I don't mind you cleaning up code and re-indenting stuff,
but please split it up in separate patches, this way we will still be
able to see what and why things changed. I prefer that as opposed to one
huge patch.
Some remarks from my side about the current code;

- there's a label/goto construct in the code. will you clean that up as
well please while your at it?
- I'm not sure if more TSeriesPointerStyles will follow from you, but I
could imagine adding a box and whisker plot style point and an errorbar
style (other variations on the theme as well) would be possible in the
future. So what do you say about implementing a polymorphic TPointStyle

Regards, Darius

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