On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 11:10 PM, Lee Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you.  I'll give it a try though I think at this point, I'll probably 
> stick
> with powtils since I've not had any problems with it in the past even though 
> it
> seems to be un-maintained at this point.  I'll keep a copy myself and maintain
> it for my personal use.

I'm still using powtils for some of our larger CGI projects.
It works perfectly.

As for the un-maintained bit. I have read somewhere that Lars (z505)
is quite swamped with paying work (job contracts) at the moment, so
powtils is on the back burner for a while. I go through phases like
that with fpGUI as well, so I wouldn't be to concerned - plus you have
the source code anyway. :-)

> I'll try the fbweb/lazweb stuff still however as I am curious to get it 
> working :)

Same here, I'm curious to try fbweb, I'm just not that fond of lazweb
pulling in LCL.  LCL doesn't belong in a CGI (basically console)
application! Also it doubled the size of the CGI application. Yes I
tried with SmartLinking and Strip.  I simply removed the design time
webmodule support (you just assign event handlers anyway with it),
which then removed the LCL dependency and everything still worked fine
- and I have a *much* smaller CGI executable without GUI requirements.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
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