That's great, thank you Luiz: works a treat!

TDbf is such a nice lightweight solution for incorporating database
functionality into monolithic applications and it's still relevant
even though it appears that development stopped years ago.

2008/11/30 Luiz Americo Pereira Camara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dave Coventry escreveu:
>> Does anyone have experience of TDbf?
>> I want to change an existing record:
>> ival:=strtoint(ConFigs.Values['hubID']);
>> Dbf1.Open;
>> while not(Dbf1.EOF)do
>> begin
>>  if Dbf1.FieldByName('hubID').AsInteger=ival then
>>  begin
> Add "Dbf1.Edit;" here
>>    Dbf1.FieldByName('Loc').AsString:=Configs.Values['Location'];
>>    Dbf1.FieldByName('EstName').AsString:=Configs.Values['Establishment'];
>>    Dbf1.FieldByName('NetwkName').AsString:=NetwkName;
>>    Dbf1.FieldByName('VATNo').AsString:=Configs.Values['VATNumber'];
>>    Dbf1.FieldByName('TelNo').AsString:=Configs.Values['TelNumber'];
>>    Dbf1.FieldByName('User').AsString:=username;
>>    Dbf1.Post;
>>  end;
>>  Dbf1.Next;
>> end;
>> Obviously ival has the value of the 'hubID' field of the record that I
>> want to update and I'd like to replace all the fields in the record
>> with new values.
>> However, I'm getting an error which says: "Project raised exception
>> class 'Unknown' "
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