Hi All,
I have never really gotten into working with the datasets and datasources
with Delphi or Lazarus. Can someone perhaps point me to some good online
documentation/tutorial (or write a quick summary of you feel like it :-)  )
that can help me get on with this? I have the basics down, in other words, I
have a program that can read/write stuff to an sqlite database. I am getting
a little confused though when I start thinking about some design
considerations. What exactly is the relationship between the TDataset and
TDatasource? Should you have a separate TSQLiteDataset for each use of a
table? (I think I need to implement an onscroll event, but only for one
frame.) Any help would be appreciated.


"See first, think later, then test. But always see first. Otherwise you will
only see what you were expecting. Most scientists forget that." - Douglas
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