> I am still at step 2 but don't understand step 3.  I can see more
> difficulties looming.  Am I following the best path to learn db
> applications in Lazarus?

Some of the pages in this online book preview might be helpful. It's
Delphi/Kylix oriented but many of the same principles apply:


There are many other books on this subject and I'd suggest doing some
reading before trying to create a db app. Since you've already got
your database installed and the sqldb connection working, a little
study is a sound investment that can prepare you to use the db-aware
components for displaying data from your connection, query and
datasource chain. It's actually an easy process that basically
involves by dropping the data aware visual components on the form and
hooking them up using the object inspector. These components work
during design time, so you can verify that the db components are
operational without having to compile your app.

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