Alexander Klenin wrote:
>>> and yet another one for patches to SynEdit (both stalled for about a month 
>>> now),
>>> etc
I just saw this, and consequently found your patches on this mailing
list too.

As for the SynEdit patches (is-link-able), If you can submit them to
mantis, I will take them and look at them.

I had a quick, yet not complete look at them. One thing I can already
tell is the way you check if it is a number:
   not (Lines[Y - 1][X1] in ['0'..'9']) and

It is incomplete. $ABCD is a number in hex. Best would be to introduce a
IsNumber in the highlighter (pascal, and baseclass), and check there.
This would also keep synedit itself more agnostic to pascal specifics
(even so, codetools only work on pascal source)

IsNumber has to deal with "1.99e3 " being cut into 2 words, so 99e3 is a
number. Not sure what to do with "1.e2", but imho it wouldn't hurt to
ignore this and have "e2" linkable.

Also you may need to check the list again, against context sensitive
keywords. A "procedure  self;" seems to compile.

Best Regards

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