Zitat von Alexander Klenin <kle...@gmail.com>:

> On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 02:12, Martin Friebe <laza...@mfriebe.de> wrote:
> >>> Alexander Klenin wrote:
> >> So if you have time and expertise, please read the mail threads
> >> mentioned in the bug report
> >> and provide me with insight ;-)
> > I'll look further into it. A few things:
> > - GetHighlighterAttriAtRowColEx  may not be the best idea. It can be
> > quite useful to be able to click on words in comments to. (Which works
> > at current).
> Indeed, I missed that.
> > - The highlighter is overall not the best solution to find linkable
> > text. Because even a valid bit of code, may be unresolvable to codetools.
> > Another way would be to ask codetools them self.
> > Similar like SynEdit calls SourceEditor, which calls SourceNoteBook and
> > then MainIDE.OnSrcNoteBookClickLink line 2952 in ide/main.pp
> > ( see also line 1778:   SourceNotebook.OnClickLink :=
> > @OnSrcNoteBookClickLink; )
> Now _that_ is what I wanted to hear when I started the original thread ;-)
> Good idea, I attached a new version of patch to the
> http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=12785.
> I should note that I was horrified by the amount of "glue" code needed
> to route an event through main form, source notebook, source editor and
> SynEdit.

The IDE is structured in a hierarchy.

mainide: the top level of the IDE and the central nerve system. Because of its
size it's splitted into several units. This is the 'integrated' in IDE. It
connects the various modules like debugger, package system, codetools,
designer, etc.
source notebook: the whole source editor
source editor: one single editor (at the moment in the same unit with source
notebook, but should eventually split up)
synedit: visual control


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