Martin Friebe wrote:
> Open view->debug->stack window (alt-ctrl-s)
> That will show you where in the Lazarus code the exception happened.  
> Problem: Likely it is in the fpc part, which will be useless numbers. Or 
> even in the mysql library.

ahhh... that's more than i've seen before...

i opened the stack window after my app started and it was just sitting there... 
then i clicked on the [connect] button which does the database connection, data 
retrieval and connection.close... here's what i got...

#0 KERNEL32!GetComputerNameW at :0
#1 KERNEL32!GetPrivateProfileStructA at :0
#2 ?? at :0
#3 ?? at :0

isn't that nice... no filenames listed :?

i get the same if i build it as a win32 GUI app (-WG)...

i'm not sure what debugging options i should turn on on the compiler options -> 
linking tab... the default was only display line numbers in RT error 
backtraces... since our previous discussion, i've also turned on generate debug 
into for gdb (-g) but nothing else...

> Anyway, unless you are willing to spent time on debugging the issue your 
> self, and go into the depth of the Connector code, this will probably be 
> of little help.

yeah, it does seem that way but someone's gotta do it... i mean, damn... the 
code is used in the wiki as workable demo apps and it doesn't work as posted... 
that's not saying that the demo code posted is broken but that the components 
used in the demo code have some sort of problem somewhere... so, its gotta be 

> If you get the stack backtrace you can mail it and hope some one knows 
> about...

hummm... dunno anything about how to do that... this is all so very very 
different than the TP6/BP6 and TP7/BP7 IDE style... not only am i stuck trying 
to learn the new environment but also the new coding techniques and now the new 
debugging stuffs... i ain't as young as i used to be... i definitely can't sit 
and beat my head on this stuff for 48+ hours at a stretch like i used to do 
in my 20's and earlier :?


       (@@)                      Waldo Kitty, Waldo's Place USA
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