2009/1/20 Carlos German Tejero <german_tej...@yahoo.com.ar>:
> Hi, i'm using lazarus v0.9.27 r18334 i386-win32-win32/win64 and fpc 2.2.3 on
> a WindowsXP64.
> I try to port a delphi program to lazarus/fpc, but when create then main
> window, the program raise an exception.
> The exception raise in Win32WSControls unit:
> ....
>       {$ifdef WindowsUnicodeSupport}
>       if UnicodeEnabledOS then
>         Window := CreateWindowExW(FlagsEx,
> PWideChar(WideString(pClassName)),      //<<<--- Return 0
>           PWideChar(Utf8Decode(WindowTitle)), Flags,
>           Left, Top, Width, Height, Parent, MenuHandle, HInstance, nil)
>       else
>         Window := CreateWindowEx(FlagsEx, pClassName,
>           PChar(Utf8ToAnsi(WindowTitle)), Flags,
>           Left, Top, Width, Height, Parent, MenuHandle, HInstance, nil);
>       {$else}
>         Window := CreateWindowEx(FlagsEx, pClassName,
>           PChar(WindowTitle), Flags,
>           Left, Top, Width, Height, Parent, MenuHandle, HInstance, nil);
>       {$endif}
>       if Window = 0 then
>       begin
>         raise exception.create('failed to create win32 control, error:
> '+IntToStr(GetLastError()));  //<<<-- Raise then exception
>       end;
> ...
> The attached file "error.txt" is a backtrace.
> Any help or suggestion are welcome!!!!
> Sorry my null english.

If you continue to run it, what is the exception message (or the GetLastError)?

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