Zitat von Leslie Kaye <les.k...@couchmansfarm.plus.com>:

> I write to canvas your support for the idea that property editors should
> stay on top.
> In Delphi property editors stay on top so that for instance you can have
> an ActionList editor open and continue to work on the source code editor
> underneath.
> In Lazarus property editors are initially shown but soon become buried
> under other IDE windows so that either they are difficult to find or you
> forget them all together.
> regards
> Leslie
> Example for Collection Editors: code should be modified in
> /lazarus/ideintf/propedits.pp
> class function TCollectionPropertyEditor.ShowCollectionEditor(
>   ACollection: TCollection;
>   OwnerPersistent: TPersistent;
>   const PropName: String): TCustomForm;
> begin
>   { // proposed code removed
>   if CollectionForm = nil then
>     CollectionForm := TCollectionPropertyEditorForm.Create(Application);
>   CollectionForm.SetCollection(ACollection, OwnerPersistent, PropName);
>   CollectionForm.EnsureVisible;
>   } // end code removed
>   // proposed  new code
>   if CollectionForm = nil then
>   begin
>     Application.CreateForm(TCollectionPropertyEditorForm, CollectionForm);
>     CollectionForm.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
>   end;
>   CollectionForm.SetCollection(ACollection, OwnerPersistent, PropName);
>   CollectionForm.Show;
>   // end new code
>   Result := CollectionForm;
> end;

Please remember that the concept of fsStayOnTop is windows specific. fsStayOnTop
is very annoying under X, because it stays on top of everything.
Gladfully fsStayOnTop only works if BorderStyle=bsNone under X.
Mac OS X knows more window modes than windows and X together. Eventually we need
some TCustomForm properties to get the whole range of possibilities of all
platforms instead of only the few winapi modes.
Maybe this behavior should be configurable and the default should depend on the


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