On Tue, 10 Feb 2009, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> Hi,
> Something weird I just noticed. I have not tested this under Delphi 7,
> but I have tested it with Lazarus GTK1 and GTK2 widget set.  See
> attached image to help explain
> If I do Panel1.Enabled = False, all components are disabled
> (visually). This is what I expected.  But if I now query
> Edit1.Enabled, it returns True. Also if I query CheckBox2.Enabled it
> also returns True.  Is this a bug?
> For some reason I expected all child components to be Enabled = False,
> because that's what they are. Once Panel1 is disabled, I cannot set
> focus or interact with any child components. They are even painted in
> disabled state.  How do I pragmatically detect if a component is
> "really" enabled or disabled?  Seems that the logical way of quering
> the component's Enabled property gives false information.

No, it gives the correct information.

You should use CanFocus for what you need.

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