Zitat von saeka <saeka...@gmail.com>:

> Hello, developers.
> SynEdit.pp source code has a lot of 'SYN_MBCSSUPPORT','SYN_LAZARUS'.
> It seems to be SynEdit was compiled by defines SYN_MBCSSUPPORT originaly
> but now, that is undefined by SYN_LAZARUS.$B!!(B(in SynEdit.inc)
> SYN_MBCSSUPPORT is defined by supporting MultiByteCharacterSystem on
> FarEastAsian Windows, but MBCS is not equal to UNICODE.
> Now, SynEdit in Lazarus is working at UNICODE, ( Its very nice for us.)
> and SynEdit in Lazarus is highly customized for Lazarus and FreePascal.
> I have created patch on released version 0.9.16-0.9.24 to Japanese Community
> in which enabling SYN_MBCSSUPPORT.
> (http://sourceforge.jp/projects/freepascaljp/releases/?package_id=5278)
> Now, that is not smart way after 0.9.26, I think. ....
> In Unicode, no additional defines needed in handling character.
> How about delete symbols, and delete IFDEF codings , if it will not be
> used in the future ?
> (SYN_MBCSSUPPORT, SYN_LAZARUS, and defines about delphi version)

They were kept to eventually merge the changes to synedit.
But the differences became too big, so it makes no sense anymore to use
They can be removed. Martin already started to clean up the code.


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