Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Paul Parkyn <> wrote:
>> Yes I have been doing more testing and it works ok up to 5 decimal
>> places. I require 6 decimal places to correspond with the accuracy
>> required by another program. Unfortunately I had not tried at a lower
>> number of decimal places(silly me).
> I tried with only two decimals. After reading your email, I tried
> again. I noticed by default it truncates to 2 decimals. Then I saw the
> 'DecimalPlaces' property. I set it to 6 and type in 12.123456 and
> tabbed to another component. No problems. It remember the 6 decimals
> without problems.
> Regards,
>   - Graeme -
Hello Graeme, It looks like I will have to upgrade again to 0.9.27,  it 
is good to know  that  it  is  OK,  so will persevere with it.

Regards Paul
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