
I just upgraded my Lazarus from r18956 to r19705  on Win9x.
When I started Lazarus the font in the code editor had become almost
unreadable (too small, appr. 5 pt.)

I tried to adjust the font in using the appropriate dialog, but I
could not get it as it was before.
I then copied the editoroptions.xml from what used to be my "stable"
version and applied it to r19705, so I was sure they both used the
same fonts.

However the r19705 renders the chosen font very differently.

The "editor r18956.png" show how the editor font used to be,
the "editor r19705.png" shows how it is rendered now.

Here's the editoroptions.xml that both Lazarus' use:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <EditorOptions Version="4">
    <Display EditorFont="Courier New" EditorFontHeight="-13" ExtraLineSpacing="0
" ShowLineNumbers="False" ShowOnlyLineNumbersMultiplesOf="1"/>
      <LangObjectPascal Version="4"/>
        <Version Value="5"/>
        <printselection Value="80,1,0,0,0,0,0,0"/>
        <jcfcurrenteditorwindow Value="68,1,0,0,0,0,0,0"/>
    <CodeTools CodeTemplateFileName="H:\PROGRAMMAS\SVNLAZ\lazarus.dci"/>

The fontheight of -13 looks strange, but Lazarus puts this value in
when I choose the font directly from the font-dialog.
I've tried changing the font-size to diffrent values (10 to 18) but
nothing comes even close to what it used to be.
The font is either too big, or too small, or the kerning (the space
between individual characters) is too large.

B.t.w. Yesterday I upgraded my Lazarus on Linux (GTK2) to r19690 and I
noticed no fonts changes at all.

Is this a bug, or is there something wrong with my system?


<<attachment: editor_r18956.png>>

<<attachment: editor_r19705.png>>

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