On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 07:48, Mattias Gaertner
<nc-gaert...@netcologne.de> wrote:
>> > Well, power users don't scroll, they fly via shortcuts.
>> > Casual users use PgUp/PgDown.
>> That's putting it nicely. My business model units are all fairly big.
>> PgUp/PgDn will just take to long. I the "procedure list" feature
>> 1000's of times a day.

FWIW, I often use "Quick search" (Ctrl+E) for code navigation,
since I remember some arbitrary piece of code to jump to,
not necessarily a function name.

> IMO it is more important what features/functions are not used
> and would help the user most. AFAIK there was a Delphi plugin that did
> that.
> For example:
> If you use the Search dialog often to search for procedures, then you
> probably don't know the Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down and procedure list.
> If you type keywords then you probably don't know word completion.
> If you often add manually local variables then you probably don't know
> code completion.
> And so forth ...

I think that while Lazarus IDE has many great features, they are not well
organized. Various Lazarus developers added convenience features with
a separate user interfaces, so the features are dispersed all over UI
and hard to discover.

IMHO the good way forward is to consolidate some feature groups into
a common UI, thus giving greater exposure to all included features.

I realize that may be a controversial topic, as developers might "defend"
their pet features from consolidation, stating that consolidated UI is less
convenient than specialized ones, but I think there should be a balance of
uniformity versus specialization, and right now this balance is tipped far
on the specialization side.

If there is a general agreement, I can prepare detailed proposal for
but as a quick sketch:
1) "Find procedure" should be merged into "Code explorer"
2) "Find in files", "Messages" and "Code observer" should be merged together,
with interface most resembling "Find in files"
3) "Unit list" (Ctrl+F12) should be merged into "Project Inspector"
4) "Find unused units" should be merged into "Unit dependencies"

... and so on

Alexander S. Klenin
Lazarus mailing list

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