On Mon, 24 Oct 2016 12:53:31 +0200
Michael Schnell via Lazarus <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> On 23.10.2016 11:31, Jürgen Hestermann via Lazarus wrote:
> >
> > But Unicode should have cared.
> > It was made for its use on computers.  
> I don't think so.
> I suppose it was defined top allow for printing out digital documents in 
> mind, but not with working with them.

Non sense. The various normal forms aren't needed for printing, but for
"working with them". Same for the various encodings like UTF-8 and
Think about the other type systems with diacritics like TeX.
That is made for printing documents, not for working with them.

> At least this i what the outcome suggests: printing works just fine, but 
> even trying to find out a very short information is identical is not 
> decently possible.

That depends on what you mean with "identical".
I guess you mean the topic "collation". It would be nice if someone
with some knowledge about that topic could start a wiki page or
fpdoc topic to list the common functions for them.

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