2016. 11. 05. 10:47 keltezéssel, zeljko írta:
On 11/05/2016 10:30 AM, Gabor Boros via Lazarus wrote:
Hi All,

Created an issue in the past but got no answer. Now attached a better
example project. Please try and comment. Is it a Qt bug or this is the
expected behaviour?


I don't use db controls at all so don't know what's exact problem. Can
it be reproduced with regular TComboBox ? I cannot understand what's
exact problem from issue explanation ...
1.TCombobox is empty
2.You are assigning items
3.ItemIndex should stay -1 instead of 0 (first item selected ? )
4.What about other widgetsets ?

Attached a screenshot to the issue. My problem is with Qt widgetset... If append a record into an empty dataset in FormShow the new record selected automatically in the DBLookupComboBox.

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