
I have two questions about TDateEdit.

1) This control when created in the form the "Date" property is "NullDate", but as soon as I try to enter something (like a "1") and then erase it I can not recover the "NullDate" value (AKA zero). For my needs I subclassed it to check against "" on exit and set date to "NullDate" value. Is current behavior expected ?

2) When you do not write a complete date, so you write something like "1" and press tab, the control text property value is the "1" but "Date" property is updated to "01/01/2017" which IMHO is a bit counterintuitive. For my needs in my subclass, on exit I just set "Control.Date:=Control.Date" which forces a full date expansion in the text box.


        José Mejuto
Lazarus mailing list

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