I've just been rereading the recent discussion on Hi-DPI, and the relevant bits of the Wiki.

I've got a user with eyesight problems, who put a 48" TV on his desk as a monitor to a Linux system with KDE. Then he set the "Force fonts DPI" setting to something like 200, this increases the text size enormously but- obviously- messes up layout.

Is there any way that a standard application can pick up that an anomalous setting is being used? Screen.PixelsPer Inch is still 96, ditto for Screen.SystemFont.Pixels, Screen.SystemFont.Size is zero.

I'm not looking for a fix at this point, which I presume will be provided by the Hi-DPI support. But it would be very useful if a program could log the /actual/ DPI for support purposes.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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